Twine, An Open-Source Tool for Non-Linear Storytelling and Gaming Pedagogy

Event Details

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This workshop, organized by Open Educational Resources coordinator and educational technologist Katherine Tsan (Baruch College), will be an introduction to Twine, an open-source digital tool for telling non-linear, interactive stories based on a choose-your-own-adventure model. Chris Klimas, the award-winning creator of Twine, will introduce the tool, discuss how it contributes to the growing gaming pedagogy movement and lead a hands-on portion of the workshop which will take the participants through the creation of a basic game. Support and troubleshooting will be provided in breakout rooms. There will be an option to share the finished games with the group and a sign-up to comment on the games and continue the discussion among the participants.

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About Jessica Murray

Jessica Murray received her Ph.D. in Developmental Psychology at The Graduate Center, CUNY in 2020. She is the Director of Digital Communications for Transformative Learning in the Humanities (TLH), a three-year initiative supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. She is also working on a web project with teaching materials about civil rights struggles in New York City, including disability rights history. She advocates for improving public transit accessibility in New York City for people with disabilities and chairs the Advisory Committee for Transit Accessibility for New York City Transit.